Thursday, November 30, 2006


OK, so I'm browsing some fiber blogs, and come across one that seemed very pleasant all around, yet there was one sentence that left me puzzled. I'll leave the blog anonymous, and no, it isn't linked in my sidebar. Anyhoo, the WTF? phrase in question was this, included in a list of stuff the blogger is working on:
"And, I'm even knitting a hat for a 6'5", 230 lb African-American Man."

I get pointing out the man's size, since that will obviously mean knitting a larger hat. But his ethnicity? I didn't see anyone else's race pointed out in future/finished projects. I dunno why this bugs me so much, but I get the feeling this chick may be one of those pasty yuppie types who just feels so good about the fact that they are, in fact, Acquainted with a Person of Color. So much, that they even Knit for him and feel the need to point it out on their blog. What a Susie Dipshit.

In other news, I started a scarf in Patons Soy Wool Stripes... I'll post pics tomorrow, as the camera is acting up. Sorry for the brief rant, but jeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....


Bezzie said...

Pasty yuppie type...Susie Dipshit--HEE! I'm totally incorporating these into my vocabulary.

I'll have to go with your theory. Why else would someone feel the need to mention said recipient's race???

Elizabeth said...

Yeah, I was afraid to actually post this, but I just had to. I get really upset by the fact that we as a society tend to identify a person by their ethnicity before anything else...

Stacey said...

Never apologise for your rants. They're class :D And you're usually correct.

Anonymous said...

I notice in our local papers, when a crime has been committed and a suspect is described, if the person is white, they make no mention of race, but if he's (usually a "he") other than white, they say it. Now, I understand the need to identify race in these circumstances, but I think that it should be uniformly applied. If the guy appears white, say so! Don't assume it's the default race unless stated otherwise.

Now I'm ranting. I'll stop.